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VeloTeoFoto © Fülep Teo, 2020.07.25.

This good kind of food was created when my bread dried out like a bricket, and not even a crumb may be wasted. I made an excellent scrambled eggs and the dry bread sold out as well. If we are poor and we have only dry bread, I recommend it with good heart.


Let us take a pan, put in the grease and chopped onion, fry, braise them half as long. After this pour water and put the pieces of the dry bread. Boil the water while stirring, when the water is boiled, put the eggs in. Gently and quickly stir with stops: lift and hold with a spatula, until no visible liquid egg remains. Spice as we wish. Serve hot immediately.


  • egg: abt. 3 pieces
  • bread: 1-2 dry slices, corner
  • grease: oil, fat, or bacon
  • water: abt. 3 dl
  • onion
  • pepper
  • paprika: hot, sweet

Work time: 6 minutes

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