Lecture: VeloTeoFoto Dr. Fülep Teofil list of lectures, last update: 2024.05.09.
I give educational lectures for invitation:
– geographical travel & hike lectures (Point 1)
– sustainability lectures, environmental protection, nature conservation (Point 2)
1. Geographical travel & hike lectures (educational)
1.1. Travel, hike, geography
1.1.10. Turkey: Istanbul, Black Sea, Marble Sea. (COMING SOON)
1.1.m2. Europe: hike and adventure on a multi-coloured continent.
1.1.9. Balkan Peninsula: hikes in rare visited countries: Bosnia–Hercegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania.
1.1.8. Hungary: Balaton Bike Ring (BBR) – around the “Hungarian Sea” with ATB bicycle.
1.1.7. Portugal on foot: Porto and the coastal area of the Atlantic Ocean.
1.1.6. Greece, Eastern side and the Aegean Sea with bus, ship, bicycle and swim.
1.1.m1. Greece: mountainbike trips in the Mediterranean scorching heat.
1.1.5. Costa Brava on foot and by swim; Catalonia, Spain: the wild seaside and placid coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.
1.1.4. Zakintos with bicycle, in the west side of Greece, on the pearl of the Ionian Sea.
1.1.3. Kefalonia with bicycle, in the west side of Greece, on a hot island, which bursts high from the blue Ionian Sea.
1.1.2. With bicycle in the teeming dense and bright green lands of the Netherlands.
1.1.1. Short roaming in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark (touching Switzerland and Belgium; Northwest Europe).
1.1.0. Starhike. The starry sky is above us.
– Mediterranean Sea: swimmer hiking. coming soon
1.2. Knowledge of the home country, hike
1.2.1. With opened eyes in Hungary and Borsod Abaúj Zemlén County. (motivational)
1.2.2. Ask the nature. (motivational)
– Our mysterious mountains, the Bükk, Hungary. coming soon
– Our magical lake, the Balaton, Hungary. coming soon
– Bükk Camino. coming soon
1.3. Hiking–hike-leading, hike-leader-education
1.3.00. The profession of hike-leading. Methodological pilot for tour-guides, biology and geography teachers, environmental educators who guide tours.
1.3.01. Organizing of hike, hike-leading.
1.3.02. Dangers of hiking. (!)
1.3.03. Sustainable hiking with doubts – for hike leaders. (!)
1.3.04. Tourist ethics, responsibility, law.
1.3.05. TTTT Hiker ground school, cartography, orientation. (3 hours!)
1.3.06. Mountainous environment – foreword.
1.3.07. Biogeography of mountains of Earth.
1.3.08. Mountainous wildlife of the Carpathian Basin.
1.3.09. Mountainous culture. (!)
1.3.10. Mountainous surface–snow–ice–water geography.
1.3.11. Hiking – why and how? At home in the gentle wilderness. (motivational)
2. Sustainability lectures, environmental protection, nature conservation (educational)
2.1. Sustainability
2.1.01. General environmentalist lecture.
2.1.02. The World Water Day with Holocen eyes. 1.
2.1.03. The World Water Day with Holocen eyes. 2.
2.1.04. Rapid tests on water quality.
2.1.05. Earth Day, the mankind on a living planet.
2.1.06. World Animal Day, friend or enemy?
2.1.07. Nature conservation on the side of siciety. Holocen Nature Conservation Organization, Miskolc, Hungary.
2.1.08. My experiences and thoughts about the tourism in the Bükk Mountains.
2.1.09. Our mysterious bog, exploring the Peat Bog at Kelemér.
2.1.10. Global problems, our world wide troubles.
2.1.11. Situation and possibilities of nature conservation and environmental education in the family and school.
2.1.12. Thoughts about environmental awareness and environmental education.
2.1.13. The Connection of Nature and Humanity. (Past, Recent Past, Present, Future.)
2.1.14. Ökológiai kockázatbecslés. Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA).
2.1.15. Steps toward sustainability in the countries of Northwest Europe (Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium).
2.1.16. Sustainable transport system. Car-based transport system, which digest the world, or public and bicycle-based sustainable transport system.
2.1.17. Sustainable hiking with doubts – for hikers.
2.1.18. The vegetation is very important, than why not?
2.1.19. Steps toward sustainability.
2.2. Nature conservation
2.2.0. Nature Conservation: Introduction: Hungary, Bükk mountains, hiking equipment, field trip.
2.2.1. Nature Conservation: Introduction: Main terms.
2.2.2. Nature Conservation: Study cases.
2.2.3. Nature Conservation: Tourism.
2.2.4. Nature Conservation: Engineering.
2.2.5. Wildlife and Nature Conservation in the forests of Hungary.
2.2.6. Retrenchment of introduced, invasive plant species for protecting biodiversity.
2.2.7. Biodiversity. (Birds and Trees Day) (NEW!)
3. Freshwater triclad research & hydrobiology (flatworms; Platyhelminthes: Tricladida; environmental sciences)
3.01. The Hungarian situation and main results of research on triclads (Platyhelminthes: „Turbellaria”: Tricladida).
3.02. Effects of the 2010 year’s extraordinary rainfalls on the triclad fauna (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in the Garadna stream and Király-kút water flow of the Bükk mountains, Northeastern Hungary.
3.03. The Hungarian bibliography and research history of freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes: „Turbellaria”: Tricladida).
3.04. Bioindicational possibilities of triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida).
3.05. Research on triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in the karst water of the Bükk Mountains, Hungary.
3.06. The situation of triclad (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) fauna of Hungary, 2012.
3.07. Research on the faunistics of freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in Hungary, Europe, focusing on the mountains. doctorate PhD dissertation, 2015–6.
3.08. Occurrence of triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in the region of Magyarókereke, Transylvania, Historical Great Hungary, (Romania).
3.09. Research on hidden animals in waters hidden in mountains, the unknown triclads. (Researchers’ Night)
3.10. Changes in triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) occurrence in the water system of the Szerdahelyi-patak Stream, Kőszeg Mountains.
3.11.Occurrence of triclads (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in lukewarm spring group of Kácsfürdő Bath, at the Southern bottom of the Bükk Mountains, the edge of Kács.
3.12. Self-sustaining biotope mini aquarium in 4-liter canning jar.
– Photography, image creation with photo camera.
– Service and fixing of bicycles.
– Bicycle transportation in settlements and offroad.
Motivational lectures
- motivational lecture: Dreams become a reality, works from a weekend hobby.
Techniques: Interesting our tendencies, integration of our abilities, starting from zero to results. Time efficiency and experience of work, the Step of the Day, dream works.
Keywords: self-knowledge, willpower, motivation, integration, strategy, indirect methods, awareness, cooperation, sustainability, story of 20 years.
Purpose: Developer training, training, workshop; profit-oriented companies, students; 45 minutes. - motivational spectacular lecture: Hiking, at home in the gentle wilderness.
Keywords: adventure, willpower, self-confidence, lifestyle changes, self-improvement, benefit reception, motivation, inspiration, homeland knowledge, patriotism, harmony, sustainability, story of 30 years.
Purpose: To grab the audience with the power of impression, it helps to harmonize the relationship of nature–mankind–expectations; 9–99-year-olds, 45 minutes.
Outsoursers, references: Holocén Természetvédelmi Egyesület; Matt Humán Tanácsadó Kft.; MaViGe Makroszkopikus Vízi Gerinctelenek Kutatási Konferencia; ME-KGI Miskolci Egyetem Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet; TE Testnevelési Egyetem; OEE Országos Erdészeti Egyesület; MFT Magyar Földrajzi Társaság; MHVE Magyar Hegyivezetők és Hegyi Túravezetők Egyesülete; JUF Járatlan Utakon Fesztivál; TIT „Jedlik Ányos” Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társaság etc. – volunteer, instructor, teacher, researcher, lecturer
Lecture specialities:
- The number of images: ~100 thousands own photos.
- Feature of photos: travel photos, nature photos, settlement photos, subject photos, life pictures.
- Methodology: traveller, hiker (walker, cyclist, rower, spelean, swimmer), mostly long distance bicycle tourist; I have hiked over Hungary and a part of Europe.
- Language: Hungarian, English
- Time: flexible 10–30–45–60–90–(120) minutes/lecture; the photos of a presentation are based on own VeloTeoFoto photos, content is always update
- Cinema darkness is necessary for the presentations!
Meta: Lecture: Geography, travel, hike, home country, hiking, hike-leading, sustainability, environmental protection, nature conservation.
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